And, we have a new Fridge

To our moderate surprise, the replacement fridge arrived at roughly 11am today. The guys took out the old fridge and brought in the new one with sufficient care, and we started pulling off all of the tape and styrofoam packing.

New refrigerator when it arrived

We didn’t have to do any assembly, just get all of the tape and plastic wrapping off, but there was no hurry since the guys told us to let it sit for a full hour before plugging it in. This turned out to not be a problem since the doors opened to the right and that was inappropriate for the space it’s in, so the first thing I did was start following the instructions to reverse the hinges.

I figured that it would take about a half-hour, and I was way off. Still, I made solid progress on it with a little man helping me out for most of it. As it turns out, Jaan is fascinated by my ratchet set.

I ran into a problem moving the handle over, as it required a 3/32-inch allen-key and I didn’t have one of that size. Luckily my neighbour did, and he gave me a hand.

All said and done, it opens to the left now and we plugged it in around 3pm today. Maria stocked it with what little we had, and it began to get cold in the fridge immediately (always a good sign). We wandered out and picked up some groceries now that we don’t have to worry about them rotting for the first time in a week.

New fridge after reversing the hinges

Maria stocked up the fridge and freezer sections with our new groceries, and made dinner. The only issue I notice is that now it’s been running for some time, but after reading the manual on that, it says that’s normal after stocking the fridge/freezer, and after plugging it in for the first time. We’re supposed to allow 24 hours for the temperature to settle, so hopefully tomorrow it won’t be running constantly anymore. I noticed early that it had shut off normally, so it must be all our new food.

I’m just a little paranoid at this point, given our experience. I’m hoping that The Brick didn’t supply us with a lemon…again.

Many thanks to those at Transglobal who actually tried to help, especially Dianne, who really followed-through on what she said that she would do. That was quite refreshing from most of the people there who seemed more interested in pointing fingers at the The Brick, Frigidaire, gremlins in their computers, anywhere but the mirror.

In my final assessment, Transglobal’s problem is that they simply don’t care enough, and The Brick most certainly doesn’t give a shit at all, or we would have had a loaner a week ago. Customers aren’t stupid, they can tell when you actually care. Stop treating us like we’re stupid and catering to the lowest common denominator. The Brick saleman we talked to actually told us a horror story about Bell that he experienced, apparently trying to suggest that at least they weren’t as bad as that. I’m not sure if he ever took critical thinking in school, but that doesn’t make you any less wrong. All it means is that you don’t suck quite as much as the company you’re comparing yourself to, and I doubt you’ll be hanging that motto over the store any time soon. “The Brick – We suck, but not as bad as Bell does!” Yeah, I’d pay to see that.

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